Tournament Format
Sponsored by Kelley's Marine Service

Each hour of the eight-hour tournament will be separated by a weigh in. If an angler or his partner catches a legal (>17") largemouth OR smallmouth bass the team is able to return to the tournament headquarters to weigh-in said fish.
Tournament committee members will weigh and release the fish for the anglers. Anglers can then return to the water to attempt catching another legal fish. Fish weighed-in by a team during an hourly session can be upgraded at the scales within the same hour of fishing if they would like. A team can return to the weigh-in site at any time to weigh a fish, but teams are not required to return to headquarters after each hourly session has concluded.
To help maintain our valuable bass population, no more than one fish per angler may be in the livewell at any time, however, culling is permitted. Teams do not have to consist of two anglers. Anglers are allowed to fish alone, to where it is legal to hold two fish in their livewell at one time. A legal fish can be caught during one hour's session and weighed in during another hour’s session, but that fish can’t be weighed in more than once.
Teams are allowed to call the tournament director at the weigh-in and ask what the current weight standing is prior to weighing in their fish. The tournament director’s number will be provided prior to take-off.
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13% of the total pot will be awarded to the team that catches the heaviest bass of the tournament!
9% of the total pot will be awarded for the heaviest largemouth OR smallmouth bass brought in during each hourly session
Prizes for each hourly session and the grand prize winner will be awarded after the tournament has concluded. A team can win multiple sessions throughout the day.
*Prize money is based on a full field of 73 entries
9% Session #1: $1046
9% Session #2: $1046
9% Session #3: $1046
9% Session #4: $1046
9% Session #5: $1046
9% Session #6: $1046
9% Session #7: $1046
9% Session #8: $1046
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Entry & Take Off
$160 entry fee with 85% payback
Marshall Park
Madison, WI
Registration will begin at 5:30 am
On-the-water pre-tournament meeting will begin at 6:45 am
Teams must be present at the mandatory, on-the-water pre-tournament meeting or face team disqualification
Entries limited to the first 73 boats